Life @ 125 Kmph
It's an another self boasting blog. It may be interesting 4 driving freaks.
The journey of drive started at dindivanam at 4.40 pm(For people with poor knowledge of Tamilnadu geography, It's a place 120 km south of chennai). This is the first (& probably the only time) i had praised the government of India. Good roads are fundamental need for a developing country like India. The NH 45 connecting dindivanam & chennai is one of the very few roads in TN which we can boast off. The four lane system with the medians helped me reach top speed of my life i.e 125 KMPH. I was planning to accelerate to 130 Kmph but heard a screaming noise from back........... Accident?Sudden Brake??
Sorry for guessing it wrong. It was my sister. It always happen that there will be a spoil sport in a person's happiness. My sister played that role to maximum. My short lived happiness subsided. I had to reduce my speed to 100 kmph. Whenever the neddle of my speedometer moved by a degree in the clockwise direction, the noise repeated... I should have had a Gaussian filter ( Bad joke:-) ) . Finally I had to crawl in low speeds ranging from 60 to 100 . It took me 1 hour & 45 minutes to cover that distance. (Which I could have done it in 1 hour & thirty minutes)
That's it 4 the day.. Good night bloggers.. Happy blogging
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