An abnormal and persistent fear of cats which produces an undue anxiety reaction even though sufferers realize their fear is irrational. Sufferers of ailurophobia may fear not only the scratch or bite of a cat, but also the "evil mystique" of cats as depicted in the form of COMMON ADMISSIONS TEST :-)
I thought there was a problem with the nomenclature of the exam & it should be re- christened with a word which symbolizes the ferocious exam. CAT is a misnomer as it no way symbolizes the docile cute cat which we see in our neighbourhood.
It was only when one of my friends reminded me of the fact that TIGER also belongs to CAT family, I understood the fact that name of the exam is as cunning as the exam.
How can this exam play the role of spoilsport??
First, you have to join coaching classes or test series to crack this exam. Commuting in city traffic is one big problem & you will be enervated before you reach the classes. The mock exams are scheduled every Sunday to make your weekend miserable. These mock exams are essential devils & U cannot circumvent it. Further, the dynamic nature of this exam requires the person to be of a protean nature, who should smile on seeing facts like PROGRESSIVE NEGATIVE MARKING SCHEME.
I know progressions is essential to crack cat but it sounds little weird when progressions are used for calculating negative marks. I have no doubts about the nature of person who sets this exam. I think he would have worked his entire life in inclined planes. He is so much interested in seeing a declivity in a student’s performance. :-)
During the reservation protests that took place in our country few months back, pro reservation people felt that exams like CAT are tailored made for the people of affluent society. I have just one thing to say to them
“Some things Money can’t buy. (A seat in IIM or a 100 percentile score in CAT) For everything else, you have MASTER CARD” :-)
I Still have 53 days to face this Exam. I pray the almighty that i should come out the exam hall without any scrathes. :-)
PS: I Like cats. Tiger is my favorite animal. :-)