IT’s not happening
If you are analyzing the title & feel that there is a problem of capitalization, you are wrong :) I am referring to the IT industry.
The fact that I am using the resource of an IT company to type this blog tells that nothing is happening out here (Jokes apart :) )
Starting from layout of ODC’s (off
(PS: Just because you pay money to watch a movie, you cannot ask Aishwarya Rai to dance with Vijay Kanth :) Sorry Thaliava. Couldn’t think of some other example)
The other extreme of this brutality is to make this intelligent techie sit idle without any work. The Companies justify their strategy as recruitment based on fore casted business.
Strategy? Bull Shit…If there is a concept of bench in HR department, I can assure you that they will never implement this strategy. After all, they are humans & will understand human sentiments.
There should be a balance between effort & pay, which doesn’t exist now. In the same cubicle, you will a techie who slogs for 16 hours with a code which was developed by Dennis Ritchie, without any comments & an another guy who stares at his computer, to clock 8 hours of attendance. The former needs rest while later needs work. The only commonality that they have is common pay check. (This is a cruel world)
The people, who fall under the categories, mentioned above, just crib about their fate & hardly take any corrective action (PS: To be read as “Exiting from run of the mill IT industry”)
The industry & policy framers are very smart. They induct into an organization after explaining the exit procedures. They mean business & no one is running a charity organization. The offer letter is generally filled with subjective terms like “Performance, Efficiency” etc.
(PS: A highly challenging job for me might be nothing for another techieJ )
Thus, the fear of non performance drives the techie to work hard. I would like to mention about one of my friends, who, like any other Indian graduate, is caught in the web of IT industry. This guy, (like most of us) hasn’t used his system for even writing a “Hello world” program, is now fixing bugs in C++. This is called IT transformation .It is more powerful than Z transform that we learned in our engineering. An IT transform has the capability to transform a lazy, no techie person to yet an another IT nerd :)
I forgot to mention the 3rd category of people who exists in this industry. These are the people who don’t have any regard for their present workplace. (This is partially applicable for people in the first 2 categories. They aren’t expressive of it as they are comfortable with working in IT industry)
These smart people, who look at the larger picture, just stick to these companies for time period. (After all, they aren’t stupid enough to stay jobless :) ) .These people ensure that they are not exploited by company. They realize the fact that their life isn’t restricted to stupid desktop & go on to fulfill their passion. These smart lads effectively use their idle time to transmit the message against the new form of knowledge imperialism. No prizes for guessing the category to which I belong :D
Ultimately, we, the so called techies or nerd, who fuel this knowledge industry, get nothing. There are people above in your organization, making a hell a lot of money, by making jazzy presentations & reports. It just requires common sense & Microsoft office to do management. An excellence mail from PM is sign of possible increase in your workload in the near future. This mail is an indirect way of telling to you “Hey fool. We have spotted you. Get ready to be screw your life with some extra work”
Well, the whole purpose of this document to make the readers introspect themselves. If you taken some time off from your work & read this document, I can assure you that you haven’t wasted time.
The bottom line is clear. You are paid peanuts. (I still cannot understand the rationale behind the Industries expectation of a quality product at low cost, contradicting the famous hypothesis that “quality is not free”)
If you are planning to shut your systems & reach home earlier to do something about which you are highly passionate (Quiz, reading books, sleeping, blogging or playing some sport), then my blog has served the purpose.
If it hasn’t impacted you, then you aren’t intended recipient
(PS: The author can never be wrong. Only those who perceive it can interpret it in a wrong way :) )